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Saturday, March 13, 2010

japan's white day

in japan, it's the women who give chocolates to men on valentine's day. 
go figure. add this to their list of uniqueness...

after i got past the absurdity of giving instead of receiving on V day, 
i decided to give away chocolates to some of my officemates. 

something new for me, very japanesey 
and i thought it was a nice gesture

little did i know that after one month, 
they have a funny custom called "white day", 
the men who got presents on st. valentine's day 
must give something back to the women!

so here i am having a very happy white day
enjoying my sweet karma candies

Sunday, February 14, 2010

wow world wide web

thanks to b who gave me an imac for valentine's day i have re-discovered the virtual world.  i would be very sad to go on a vacation right now away from this new baby.  when i got it, the first thing i did was settings, right?  oh of course b opened the box to set it up, that's his thing.  them men and gadget boxes... its like love at first sight with b carefully undressing, touching parts lovingly, putting it all together and finally plugging it in & turning it on.

before today i thought i was living the digital life.  i was overloaded with information from my habit of browsing facebook-yahoo-google and news every night after work. what a loser, imagine these sites filling only about 1/8 of my bookmarks bar. me and my very, very limited world.

because of the wider screen, i had a longer bookmarks bar to fill. i added all the sites i frequently browse, googled top sites  and finally laid out my favorites nicely in the bar, in order of my new digital journey...  

Sunday, February 7, 2010

thank god for weekends

was feeling out of sorts lately. it's that time of the month when you miss home so much, you just want to quit your job, have a baby and save the world. now.

luckily, friday came and i was saved by the weekend.

woke up early on a saturday morn, said a little prayer and greeted the world outside our window. which from the 27th floor means, tall earthquake-proof buildings, some apartments and tiny cars in the highway sandwiched by the mountains up north and the water down south.  so good morning to you concrete, glass, steel!

jumped out of bed to cook pancakes and bacon while listening to the beatles. fantastic combination! john, paul and ringo make pancakes fluffier and the bacon crispier. funny, i read a story somewhere about some mom or dad listening to the beatles with their kid and she goes "the songs are nice but were they really sung by insects?!" hahaha! 2 words, generation. gap.

shared a sit-down breakfast with b, a luxury for us. normally we gulp down 3 spoonfulls of yoghurt while standing up in front of the kitchen counter, down our supplements with water and out the door we go. hi-ho, hi-ho!

went around the house to fix and clean up a bit... puttering. to make this cocoon a more beautiful and comfortable place to live in.

late in the afternoon we settled down to watch into the WILD. it's a movie about alexander supertramp, he hates things and society so he burned all his money and set off into the wilderness to find freedom and simple beauty. great movie, you should watch it.

sunday is almost up which was spent in the same spirit... cocooning. we rest, heal our wounds, re-fuel, take a deep breath and prepare for the chaos of the week ahead.

hi-ho, hi-ho it's off to work we go...

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

art happens

was born an artist
have the talent, insight
and creativity

surely must because
i have the temperament
of a chef, painter

plus ballerina
except! i haven't found this
medium, my outlet

with butterfly feet
i  f  l  o  a  t, with all this pent-up
beauty! imagine -

the vivid colors
and the endless pirouettes
words to make you laugh, cry

they live, only in my dreams

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Monday, January 25, 2010