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Sunday, February 7, 2010

thank god for weekends

was feeling out of sorts lately. it's that time of the month when you miss home so much, you just want to quit your job, have a baby and save the world. now.

luckily, friday came and i was saved by the weekend.

woke up early on a saturday morn, said a little prayer and greeted the world outside our window. which from the 27th floor means, tall earthquake-proof buildings, some apartments and tiny cars in the highway sandwiched by the mountains up north and the water down south.  so good morning to you concrete, glass, steel!

jumped out of bed to cook pancakes and bacon while listening to the beatles. fantastic combination! john, paul and ringo make pancakes fluffier and the bacon crispier. funny, i read a story somewhere about some mom or dad listening to the beatles with their kid and she goes "the songs are nice but were they really sung by insects?!" hahaha! 2 words, generation. gap.

shared a sit-down breakfast with b, a luxury for us. normally we gulp down 3 spoonfulls of yoghurt while standing up in front of the kitchen counter, down our supplements with water and out the door we go. hi-ho, hi-ho!

went around the house to fix and clean up a bit... puttering. to make this cocoon a more beautiful and comfortable place to live in.

late in the afternoon we settled down to watch into the WILD. it's a movie about alexander supertramp, he hates things and society so he burned all his money and set off into the wilderness to find freedom and simple beauty. great movie, you should watch it.

sunday is almost up which was spent in the same spirit... cocooning. we rest, heal our wounds, re-fuel, take a deep breath and prepare for the chaos of the week ahead.

hi-ho, hi-ho it's off to work we go...

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